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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Five More Pages of My First "Book"

I might as well post five more pages, since I have no life. Read the first 4 1/2 pages in the last post first-- or don't. I have no idea if those pages were even relevant to the plot.

The holographic whatever-it-was totally freaked out. It ducked, then there was nothing to hide under. It waved shyly, and said in a small voice "Ah... hi, kid..." "Who are... who are you?" I stammered, trying to be brave. The hologram (I guess we can call it a 'him') just flicked his fingers, and somehow, I was in another place. 

How to describe this other place? Well, it was kinda like a basement, but it was packed with stone columns, so it must have been deep underground, at least a mile. Every inch of space was covered with pictures- people fighting, people feasting, even a few ads for magic thermal underwear (keeps you cool in the summer too!). A map mounted on the wall started advertizing itself, so I went over and checked it out. Apparently, this room was the Dragon Room, and there were 103 doors leading out to other rooms (like the Turtle Room, shaped like its mascot, like this one).

"Kid" I jumped at the sound. It was the voice of the image in my room! I turned slowly. He was standing right in front of me (as a solid person, thankfully).

"You're not dreaming," he said.
"Then what's going on?" I asked, eyeing him warily.
'This place?"  he said "TCYFF. Training center for young fairy folk."
"Why am I here if this place is for fairies?" I asked testily.
"Easy," he replied "Birthmark. Left cheek. Star shape. Fairy gift, you know."
"Wha-?!" I said, rubbing my cheek.
He sighed. "Well, I suppose we should start with the basics.

I thought he was going to lecture me, but instead he took out a flashlight and lead me through a door under the dragon's tail, which I wasn't quite sure about.

We emerged into a small room about the size of a large bathroom, furnished with only a desk, two chairs, a small cat statue, and an ugly green dresser.

"This is the fish room," the man announced, gesturing around the room. "Please make yourself comfortable." He sat down in a chair and opened a dusty enciclopedia. Figuring I had no other choice, I took the opposite chair and frowned.

"OK.' The man said, clapping his hands. He took out a scroll and began reading. "Hello class! My name is Hank Chavez, but you can call me Mr. C. Or Mr. Si, which is Mr. Yes in Spanish. Today we'll be reading from the insert title here... er... the Basic Steps In Magic Manual." He tossed aside the script and pushed forward the ancient, jasmine-smelling book.

"This chapter is about the basic theory of magic," Mr. C instructed. "Let's see -- oh shoot! Where's the start got to now?"

I peered across the table at the book. I saw a letter that was fancier than the rest. "There," I said, pointing.

"Ah, thank you" Mr. C said. "Now - ugh! That picture goes on page 13! Ah, yes right, um... just... here we go. Let's see."

"Um, Mr. C?" I tugged his arm.

"Right. This says... ah here we are. Hmm!! Aha! Yes! This says 'New young magician (I think you know who you are!), it is time to begin your training.

"'Magic, by definition, is power bestowed apon someone, to make that someone impossibly powerful. Fairies are born to Magic, however, mortals do not posess this hidden power unless chosen by a fairy, or by the Spirit of Flight herself (see another book by this author, The History of Magic). The creatures possessing Magic will be taken to the nearest chapter of the TCYFF (Training Center for Young Fairy Folk).'"

"Where we are," I interrupted.

Okay, that wasn't a full five pages, but I was cringing too hard to write the rest. If this post gets enough positive comments, I might do another one, but not otherwise.

Happy cringing!

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