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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

My Personal Editing Process

I wanted to share my personal editing process so that maybe ya'll could try it out. 

So first, I color-code the parts of my manuscript I need to change: Red for awkward parts, Orange for info dumps, Yellow for
places where I need to add more, Green for things I need to tone down, Blue for confusing parts, and Purple for incongruities. Then I highlight everything I love in Pink!

After that, I go back and fix everything I highlighted. Once that's done, I double-space the manuscript and print it out. I haven't actually gotten to this part yet, but when I do, I'll use my special japanese highlighter pens to highlight and make notes again. 

Then, I'll put the edits onto my computer, and repeat the process until I write something I'm actually proud of. 

Try this method if you want, and if you do, tell me how it worked for you. Happy editing! 

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