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Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Art of Self-Confidence (And Ice-Skating)

[Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I've been having a hard time juggling everything. But I'm back now, with a fresh new post.]

So I went ice-skating yesterday, and I think I learned some things. I was no good at it. In my church youth group, even the worst skaters skated awesomely by the end of the hour. But not me. Even with advice from better skaters, I legitimately could not learn to skate. 

But I kept going. I improved. I managed to skate around the people blocking the wall without falling down. I did my best, and that's what counts.

It's the same in writing. Your first draft will be a pile of this weird, gross cream cheese-and-chicken dish I made. It's gonna be gross, smelly, and kinda squishy and make weird sounds. But it's something. And unlike the chicken, you can improve it. It's like ice skating. Your first time stumbling around the rink, clutching onto the wall, will end, and you can push off and cut the corners as you go around this time. And as you go around, you can keep getting better, and someday you will be able to skate like an olympian. And write like J.K. Rowling. 

At the end of the day, it's not talent that counts, it's effort and practice. That's what will polish your manuscript. 

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