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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Staying Motivated During a Long Project

[This advice applies to all areas of life, but I'm going to assume that you come to my blog for writing advice. So I'm only going to be focusing on writing]

At the start of a project, you'll be super stoked. You could write for hours on end without stopping. And then, you stop. And you inner critic goes nuts, screaming "This is no good! You'll never be published! No one will like your book! You might as well jump off of a bridge!"

Do not listen to this internal critic. He's only out to destroy you, and your manuscript. Instead of letting him destroy your motivation, reenforce it. 


Well, why did you start writing this book in the first place? To be a bestseller? To prove your parents (or anyone else) that you really can make money off of your crazy hobby? To share your unique message with the world? To enjoy seeing your work in bookstores? Whatever it is, write at least a page about it. Write about how someday, you'll be on TV, talking with famous TV personalities about the world you worked so hard to create, and listening to their glowing praise as you raise a glass to your international success. Write about the smug feeling that'll permeate your soul when your parents hold their copy of your novel in her hands, amazement and pride on their faces.Write about fans crowding you in bookstore, telling you how your book changed their lives. 

Write about what motivates you, every time you feel lackluster, and remember, write what you want to write. Get your writing into the world, where it will be recognized as uniquely yours for seventy years after your death, or whatever the copyright law is. Your motivation will guide your book to be everything you want it to be.

Happy writing! 

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