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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Music for Your Writing

I personally cannot write without music. It keeps me focused, gets me in the mood of the scene, and drowns out all the distracting noises.

Now, music serves a few purposes in my writing process. I have a playlist dedicated to each of my major human characters, of songs they would like. I made customized playlists for them on Spotify. It took about an hour, but it was so worth it. After all, like the picture says, your character's music will tell you you more about him/her than you ever could.

Then I have my scene playlists. I have a playlist for angry/fight scenes, sad scenes, and happy scenes. These help me get into the mood of the scene, and identify with my characters' feelings. 

This is just what I do with my music. Some writers can't stand music. But if you like music, I recommend this system, or something like it. Happy listening, and writing!

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