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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Describing Your Characters

I have a little advice on this topic, as I've done it at least a thousand times in the writing and rewriting of my novel. 

My first tip is: Your main characters should get more description than your less important ones. I recommend a paragraph at the beginning of your first chapter for your protagonist, and a few descriptive sentences for your supporting characters. If they aren't very important, a lengthy sentence will do.

Secondly: Your descriptions should be precise and descriptive. This almost goes without saying, but you should accurately describe everyone you see in your head. Sure, readers will be stubborn and envision them how they want to, but they should always be described in a way that puts a clear picture into their minds.

Thirdly: Your descriptions should come as soon as possible. Until we see little Timmy, we'll imagine him as just a floating nothing. Describe your characters as soon as you introduce them. 

Lastly: Don't base your characters' appearances on famous people. Aside from dating the book (People in the future won't believe that Chris Hemsworth, who in their mind will be a little old man, could slay a dragon with his bare hands,) it's just plain lazy.

If you can think of anything else, please share it in a comment. Other than that, happy describing!   

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