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Monday, April 10, 2017

VWA #1

You thought you were going to get writing advice today, didn't you? Well, too bad. I'm writing another Virtual Writing Academy exercise. It's about character, so, you know, it works for Monday's theme. Here goes, M. Kirin's Virtual Writing Academy #1

I was wrong. I was wrong all along. 

Looking down at the Deathless's fragile, broken body, lying helpless on the examination table, limp as a corpse, I couldn't help thinking, I could kill him right now. I could end his life, the way he had ended mine over a hundred years ago.

But I didn't. 

All my life I had sought revenge. I realized, after his confession... his goal was not that different from mine. And that frightened me more than anything. I was no better than he was-- we were both foul, murderous traitors. I wanted to escape his reach, but, in my heart, I was becoming more like him in every way.

I wished I hadn't left the team. They were my friends, my companions, my brothers-and-sisters-in-arms. And I had left them to pursue the man who lay defenseless on the table before me. I had found him, but now that I had... killing him was no longer important. Helping to heal the wounds he had caused was worth more. His brother would come for him, and they would return to Songkham, where he would face justice. And on Earth, I would no longer seek revenge, but satisfaction, the joy of seeing my brother again, of freeing Hui, of restoring the throne of Manco. 

"I'm sorry," said a deep voice behind me. I turned, and saw Firestorm, dressed in black robes. He bowed to me, and I half expected him to start throwing fireballs. But instead, he shuffled to his brother's side. "I am... truly sorry for what he did to you."

I found myself shaking my head. "No, I'm sorry. This must be... heartbreaking."

"He will live. But your brother..."

"He didn't!"

"I do not know."

"Tell me!"

"My father and are working tirelessly to free his victims. But your brother was not among them."

I felt hatred boiling in my stomach. But I let it go. "I understand," I said, with a deep sigh, and left the infirmary.

I'm sorry for the weird post and lack of writing advice, but I wanted to do this, and nobody even looks at this blog anyway, so why not.


  1. I wouldn't say that no one follows your post. And I am happy to see that you do what you feel like as writing finally can be just broken down to that. Forced writing doesn't end up in a masterpiece for most people. Keep up your joy for writing and be sure that there are people who enjoy that ;)

  2. As, you're really nice. Thanks so much! 😊
