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Sunday, April 23, 2017

The Unexpected ■ Virtual Writing Academy〖#12〗

Okay, so you're probably tired of these, but I need to get back into writing, and writing exercises seem to help with that. So, here's M. Kirin's VWA #12 (The Unexpected) .


I lay in the alleyway, contemplating whether or not to bandage my wounds. I didn't seem to have enough energy to sit up. I just didn't care.

Sure, I had helped save the world. But I wasn't there at the final fight. I should have at least tried to help. But no, I holed up in the Sonica like the coward that I am. And now, half the gangs in Chicago were after me.

"Hey, aren't you Trickster?" A voice said above me.

I opened my eyes. An asian girl with choppy hair stood over me, wearing bits and pieces of body armor over a black bodysuit with a sleeve missing. On that shoulder, I saw a strange symbol tattooed in red. 

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"Call me Brianna," she said. "Listen, we need to talk. I have a friend who has a girlfriend and she needs our help."

"Why should I help you? You've got that same thing on your shoulder as Cualli, and she wasn't exactly someone to trust back in her day."

"I know Cualli. She's a friend. An ally, at least. And she's friends with X, which means that if we help X, we help her."

"Wait, X had a boyfriend? I couldn't tolerate her for more than, like, thirty seconds."

Brianna laughed. "Well, Jack is a strange man. But we've got to go soon. I need your help to steal a boat from the Coast Guard."

"What the heck?"

"Earthquake killed Ahmed. I saw it in a vision. He's wired the Sonica to go down in Lake Michigan. I can get us there, but

I broke off exactly at the ten minute mark, so I got cut off in the middle. This is garbage, but it's what my brain wanted to write. 

Keep writing!

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