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Saturday, May 13, 2017

A Short Writing Exercise

So the twitter poll I mentioned in the last post was a complete bomb, since nobody but my dad voted. But he said he wanted to see more of my writing, so I'm going to do a writing exercise. 

This exercise is called "Defeat," yet another VWA by M. Krin.

It's over... It's over. The words run through my head at a million miles per hour. Earthquake stood at the helm of the ship, counting down the seconds. And all I could do was watch. 

I wondered who would survive the fallout. I wondered if the team was safely hidden away. I couldn't lose my best friends-- yet I feared I was about to. 

Three.. Earthquake's triumphant voice called out. But I heard it as only a whisper, lost among the other thoughts racing through my brain. What would happen to them? Did they hate me for what I had done? Or would they forgive me? Did they know? What did Earthquake intend to do with them, if they survived?

Two... I burst into tears. It was all my fault. My fault Destiny was gone. My fault Firestorm had betrayed us. My fault that Earthquake now held the nuclear launch codes in his hands. The world truly followed Murphy's law: everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. 

One... Earthquake was giddy with delight. And then, I realized. The meteor sought Earth's champion. Yet it had found me. Did that mean...?

Zero! Earthquake shouted. And his hand clamped the button. Just as the wires connecting it to the launch pad were cut. Cut by a flash of green light...

"No!" Earthquake stared in boiling anger at the button, then rounded on me. "You whelp! You will pay in blood!"

"I don't think so," I said, rising to my full height. "I am Earth's champion. It is I who will defeat you."

Okay, that was weird. I kind of like it, though. Whatever. 

Alright, now, for my followers who are actually writers, I want you to watch the video and share at least a little bit of writing in the comments of this post, because I'm lonely. 

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