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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

An Old Book of Mine

You thought you were done cringing at the writing from my elementary school days, didn't you? Well, you were wrong. I'm gonna dump the first (and only) chapter of a book I wrote a long time ago. This is just the first 4 1/2 pages, but I figure that's enough cringe for one day. Warning: Most of this is awful

Chapter 1:  I get run over by a lion and now I turn into a fairy or something

Ever try to hide an amazing, life threatening secret from an inquisitive family of eight? That's what I have to do every day. Is it hard? You bet!

What's my secret? Funny you should ask. Short answer: Magic. Long answer: well, it's kind of a long story (the one you're reading now, perhaps?).

Right, introductions. My name is Chelsea Peterson and I live in Portland, Oregon with my parents and my three sisters and two brothers. Oh, and the cat.

So one day (Tuesday, January 3rd), me and my sister Sami went shopping at Fred Myer. Just the usual, her driving like a California maniac, me sitting in the backseat staring into space, counting the trees and the buildings and the rabid lion... "rabid lion!!!"I screamed. Sami leaped in her seat then regained her stance and shot me a look. "Her games just get weirder and weirder,," she muttered.

I kept watching the lion. It was running alongside us, which should have been impossible because Sami drives at least five miles above the speed limit, but it wasn't even breaking a sweat. This was my first indication that something was wrong.

Then it totally went bonkers. The lion decapitated a horse statue and a John F. Kenady statue, then grew 20 feet and threw itself on the road ahead of us.

"Stupid light!" Sami growled. "Although, I don't remember seeing one here..." "Light?" I asked. "That one, dummy!" my sister snapped.

And then it pounced. Three tons of teeth, fur, and fangs crashed through our windshield, smashing the front half of the car. Sami flew backwards in a dead faint. I raised my hands and looked away, shaking.

But suddenly, the lion's roars faded and then came the sound of- a squeaky toy? I opened one eye, then the next, and there at my feet lay a squeaky rubber lion.

"Woah," was all I could say in that moment.

Naturly, the police came and roped off the scene, then took Sami away in a stretcher. You can guess what happened next.

"Young lady." I turned and saw a mustachioed police officer, resting a hand on my shoulder. I brushed the hand off.

He growled, and just when I thought he would bite my head off, a nice lady officer turned me around and said very nicely "Sweetheart, could you tell us what happened, please?" So I told her the story.

"Uh, dear," she said when I had finished. "That's very exciting and all, but if we can't get the truth from you, who can we ask. Did anyone else besides your sister witness anything?" "It was a lion!" I insisted. "I have the toy to prove it!" I showed her.

The policewoman glanced at Mr. Moustash, then back at me. "Well," she said quietly. "I guess you'll need a ride home.

When we arrived at home, the police went to talk to my parents and I, of course, stormedup to my room (OK, I do share it with my two little twin sisters, but it's not like it was my idea or anything.)

"It was a lion." I told my teddy bear. "it was a lion, and I know it was a lion but nobody will ever believe me." I put my hands to my chin, but they slid off. I heard fireworks in the distance.

"Interesting" a voice said out of nowhere.

I whirrled, and nearly jumped out of my skin! In front of me hovered a larger-than life projection of a man's face.

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