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Sunday, May 7, 2017

Another Novel Update!

So, I have no idea what to write, either in my book or my blog, so I'll give you another quick update on the book. 

Asof the writing of this post, I'm a page into chapter four, which means I'll need to write about .9 pages a day in order to have chapter five finished by May 31. Then I can start on the next fifth of my 25 chapter book. I have a goal of 10 pages per chapter, which means that in June, I'll have to write 1.6 pages a day to meet my five chapter quota. Eventually, hopefully by September, I'll have 25 chapters and I'll be able to spend tons of time making it the best book it can be. In October I'll start sending it out to beta readers, and start plotting the next book in the series, which I hope will be my first successful NaNoWriMo book.

Whew! What a huge chunk of text, am I right? Here's a picture of a writerly Dory.

Just keep writing!

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