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Monday, May 22, 2017

Life Advice for Writers

  1. The most important thing for a writer to do is to get out sometimes. Even the most reclusive of us need to see the sun eventually. 
  2. Stay hydrated. Writing with a headache=writing you will not be proud of.
  3. It's just a first draft-- you can spruce it up later.
  4. If a publisher says no, find a different one. 
  5. Stay focused, even if you have to use earplugs to keep out all noises and a typewriter to keep out the internet. 
  6. If someone laughs at your writing (and you didn't intend for it to be funny), don't ever show them your work again. Your writing is your baby. Keep it away from bullies.
  7. Read a lot. 
  8. Buy beat-up books at garage sales and scribble in them-- stuff they could do better, stuff that was awesome, etc.
  9. Write where and when you're most comfortable. If you need to stay in your PJs until noon or stay up until 6 am in order to write, go ahead.
  10. Keep everything you write. Look back on it from time to time, and chuckle or cringe at what younger you wrote.
  11. If writing isn't your passion, stop.
  12. If it is your passion, don't stop. 
  13. If you aren't sure, stick with it until you are sure.
  14. Write what makes you happy.
  15. Keep the reader in mind, though.
  16. Google is your friend. 
  17. No matter what your teachers tell you, Wikipedia is too.
  18. When you feel down, remind yourself of your goals. Wanna write a bestseller? You gotta write.
  19. This list is getting too long, so I'm just going to say one more thing
  20. Happy writing, and see you tomorrow!

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