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Friday, February 10, 2017

A Writing Buddy

Update from last night: raspberry and mint tea is amazing. Try it sometime.

So, every writer feels differently about sharing their work. Some people share everything they write before it's even on the page. Some people (like me) don't want to show a word to anybody until it's absolutely perfect. But I feel that everyone needs a writing buddy. 
What I call a writing buddy is someone who you can read your work aloud together, scribble on each other's work with colorful pens together, stress over NaNoWriMo together-- basically write and rewrite and write again together. A writing buddy will give you encouragement, spot mistakes you overlook, and understand those #writerlife moments. 
Picking a writing buddy is going to be kind of a hard process. First, you have to find a writer. Then, you have to find a nice writer. Then you have to make friends with said nice writer (Either online or in person). Then you have to be willing to take constructive criticism.
Constructive criticism will feel a little mean at first. If someone points out that your baby's head is big, you'll be offended. And your writing is your baby. What you have to realize is that the person who points out the flaws in your writing is only in it to help you (unless they aren't, in which case, drop them and find a new writing buddy). They want to improve your story, not put it down. Take their advice, examine it, and see if you need to take it. You shouldn't throw out every bit of criticism, but that doesn't mean you need to make every change your writing buddy suggests. They can be wrong, after all.
So go out, make some writer friends, get a writing buddy, and have fun writing with them!

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