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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

So You Have No Clue What To Write....

Well, neither do I. So I whip out my handy-dandy list of prompts (Which I'm just going to make up right now) and start working. Here are a list of prompts for every kind of writer's block:

Story Starters

"There he was. The one. The first boy she would ever kill."

"My timer broke a long while ago. But I don't care."

"My stupid unicorn refuses to heal me."

"After such a long time, she wondered if she'd ever see them again. She hoped not."

"This would have been the most cliche story in the history of the multiverse, if it wasn't for the three-headed dog that fell from the sky during math class."

"The dome is completely sealed. I never would have imagined that one night, I'd see something on the outside-- but I did."

What happens Next


"I woke to the sound of the the five o'clock news. [insert name here] laughed. 'Get up, lazybones,' he said. 'You're on TV.'"

"'I think it was me.'"

"He raised the staff, and I felt my mind go blank."

"'It's true', said a voice."

"Suddenly, the world became black and white. I rolled my eyes. 'This is the third time this week.'"

"'I had a dream this was would happen,' she said quietly."

A Strong Ending

"'You know what, maybe you're right.'"

"It doesn't matter what happened next. And by that I mean, that because of the the laws of death, I'm not allowed to tell you."

"Then he got in his car and drove away. I turned and went into the house, a PB&J the only thing on my mind."

"It'll happen. But not to us. I'll make sure of that."

I'm going to use three of these in a short story, because I feel like it. 

My timer broke a long while ago. But I don't care. I don't need a soulmate. I'd prefer a best friend, but those aren't real. 
I was at the grocery store, looking around at the happy couples. I knew they were only really happy because they could see in color. Those without their soulmate only see in black and white. and me-- I see a little of both. I read in a book about earth in the 21st century, and they had these animals called dogs who could see a few colors, but not all of them. That's how I see. Sometimes I can see in better color than in others. And today, for the third time that week, the world switched back to black and white. 
"Come on!" I shouted. Heads turned, but I didn't care "Not again!"
A man walked up to me. He seemed different. He looked perfectly normal, but-- in color. His hair was a vibrant turquoise. His skin was a fancy word called mahogany. His tee-shirt was purple, with pink skulls. His eyes shone like sapphires. 
"You okay?" He asked.
"You-- you're in color." 
"Isn't everyone?"
I stared at him. He was at least a foot taller than me, so I had to take a step back. "What do you mean? Your timer is broken." I pointed to the smashed screen on his wrist.
"The secret to seeing in color," he said, "Is breaking your timer. you forget you need a soulmate. You make it a point to love everyone. And someday, you'll meet someone you love more than anyone, not someone Fate told you to meet."
"How do I start?" I marveled at all the colors.
"Just look around. Think nice thoughts about--" he turned and pointed. "That woman there, with the pink hair. Isn't that a great color?"
I looked at the woman. I thought of the nicest things I could about her, and suddenly-- boom, I could see. In color. It was almost blinding, the variety of it all. I could see the crisp green of the apples, the soft yellow of the bananas, even the soft orange of my skin. I had never seen color before, and I loved it. I felt like opening my heart and pouring out the colors to the world, showing people that their timer didn't matter, if they just loved everyone. 

So, that story was incredibly sappy, but I had a good time. And that's what really matters in writing. So take some of my ideas and start writing having fun.

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