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Thursday, February 23, 2017

Style, Mood, and Tone

We've all heard of these. But what are they, what do they mean to you, and how do they affect your writing?

First of all, there's style. This is simply the way you write. Your writing style is the unique way you commit your vision of the world to the page. Style is choosing one word over another. Style is putting something humorous where others wouldn't. In short, style is "mak[ing] something that has not heretofore been made." (Ernest Hemingway). Don't try to copy someone else's writing style. you'll end up sounding like a fake, a cheap imitation. Stay true to your writing style, and your manuscript will thank you for it.

Then there's Tone. This is the overall, well, tone, of your book. Your book could be serious, lighthearted, sarcastic, indifferent, rude-- all the kinds of tones that we use in everyday conversation. When your narrator speaks, they have a tone that they use. The tone should be consistent with your theme and throughout the book. For example, if you're writing a satire, a sarcastic or humorous tone would suit it best.A drama must be serious, and a book about children who travel to a magical land should have a tone that reflects their sense of wonder, and maybe a little confusion.
Sometimes your tone can swallow your text. Think of a really insecure and rude narrator who says something like, "I'm going to tell a story, and you'd better not make fun of it. Maybe I wasn't some perfect hero, but I did my best and that's what matters, okay, so don't go telling all your friends how stupid I am." Etcetera. Just get to the story. Your tone isn't as important as the content of your story.
And, finally, there's mood. The mood is the way you portray how your characters feel. You can set a mood for a scene the way restaurants set a romantic mood for valentine's day. They dim the lights, put roses and scented candles everywhere, and turn on some classical music. You can do the same thing, but for any mood. Want a scary mood? Turn out the lights, break a window or two, scatter some blood on the tile, and turn the thermostat to "Antarctica". A joyful mood? Bright sunlight, a field of flowers, and a kiss or two between characters your readers have shipped the entire book. You get the idea.

Keep on writing, and have fun! See you tomorrow!

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