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Sunday, February 5, 2017


We've all been there. You sit down with your thermos of hot chocolate at one in the morning, a scene playing out in your head. It's going to be the most epic scene in the book. You sit down, and.... nothing happens.
The problem with writing is that ideas are ideas, and words on paper are words on paper. Your job is to translate ideas into words, and that's some hard stuff. So you stare at the screen, your fingers on the keyboard, watching your characters interact, and seeing none of that appearing on the page. 
So what do you do? You write. "What?" you ask. "The problem is that I don't know what to write."
Well, you're going to write the first thing that comes to your mind. Maybe it will be the start of your epic scene, or maybe it's about muffins riding unicorns. It doesn't matter. All that matters is that you get your fingers moving. Just like a musician plays a simple song to get back into the rhythm of his music, you must type something in order to get back into the rhythm of typing something good. Soon, that awesome scene will come pouring out of you like water from a cleft rock. (Shoutout to my homie Moses!). 
Now, your scene won't be perfect, but don't be discouraged. It can always be revised.I'm not advocating laziness, but if you truly struggle get the words onto the page, get them on there, take a break, and come back to edit in the morning (the real morning, not one o'clock.)

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