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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Naming Your Characters

So you've got this idea for a great story. But who's in it? You've got an idea for a character, but you don't know what to name them. They're a feeble, humble little character, and her working name is Xena. That's a big no-no. She needs a name that fits her personality.

"But how do I find one?" You're asking. I recommend, where you can pick an origin for the name you want, the gender of the name, and/or the first or last letter(s) of the name. Then a list of names will come up, and you can look at the meaning of the names. For example, our weak little girl shouldn't be named Emily, which means "To Excel". She needs a name like Violet, which literally just means "A blue/purple flower."

"But I knew a Violet who was mean to me. I don't feel like I should write a little girl named after that big bully." So pick another name. If you can't picture your little girl as a Violet, make her a Hazel or a Lily. There are literally millions of names, pick one that fits your character.

Remember that you have to take into account both the meaning of the name and the culture of your character. A boy from Cuba wouldn't be called Anya (a russian girls' name) or Menefer (an egyptian name).

So start researching now. And have fun doing it. Fiddle with names for as long as you like, until you find the perfect name.


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