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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Finding Your Place and Time to Write

Writing anywhere and everywhere is great and all, but I've found that I can rarely get out more than a paragraph or two out when I have other things to do. Writing in starts and stops, little by little, won't get you anywhere. You need a place and time to sit down, write until your fingers want to fall off, and then write some more.
Well, how does one go about that? The first thing you need to do is find a place. Take your laptop or notebook all over your house, all over town if you have to, and see where you feel most comfortable. Give each place ten minutes and write as much as you can. Take note of how much you wrote, how much you enjoyed it, and the quality of your work. A 1-to-10 scale works great for this. 
Once you have your place, set your time. When are you least busy? When do you feel most inspired? When does your chosen writing place inspire you most? Experiment with different times until you find the right one.
Now, make it clear to your friends and family that you'll be going to your place at your time every day. Don't let them disturb you. Treat your writing time like any other appointment, because it's just as important (some, like me, would say more important)as a dentist's appointment. This is your thing. Do your thing at your time, in your place, for maximum doing of the thing. 

This is my workspace. The time is almost 1 A.M. The thermos is currently empty, but I'm heating up water to make raspberry/mint tea (a frankenstein-style combination I'm trying for the first time tonight.) And my laptop, is of course, where I keep everything. It's a simple setup, but effective.

1 comment:

  1. As funny as it sounds: My most productive place for writing is in the tram. With me: My notebook and a pencil. With that, my daily way to work has become much more exciting ;)
